Cat Litter: Why Is It So Important?

Cat Litter: Why Is It So Important?

A litter tray is one of the most important accessories for a cat; thus, most novice cat parents require assistance in choosing one. Important factors include selecting the right size and form, a good litter, and a storage location.

It is a fact that even cat lovers will admit that cats aren't usually the most carefree pets. They develop a habit of running their claws across their eyelids to signal that it's time to eat. Additionally, they will immediately let you know if they don't like their litter sometimes by urinating all over your home.

However, cats are naturally hygienic animals. If there are no health or behavioural issues, they will use the litter tray on their own. Even as young as a few weeks old, kittens learn to urinate and defecate on sandy surfaces far from their places to sleep or nurse.

Introduction to cat litter 

Having cat litter is essential for cat owners, particularly since many indoor cats don't have easy access to soil. Pet cats can relieve themselves in the perfect setting provided by the cat litter. For this reason, pet owners must locate cat litter for sale.

There are other types of litter as well, but the most popular kind is clay-based, which is absorbent and naturally odour-controlling.

One commonly encountered is silica, which is lighter and less dusty than clay and produced from silica gel. But if your cat eats silica or gets it in by their nose, it might be dangerous.

The finest biodegradable litter is made from recycled paper or plant-based ingredients like:

  • Woodchips
  • Wheat
  • Sawdust shavings
  • Grains
  • Corncobs
  • Newspapers

These litter substitutes are all effective at sucking up liquids and getting rid of smells. The best litter for you and your cat depends largely on feline tastes and pet parents.

In general, cat litter, regardless of the type, is renowned for its practicality and simplicity of cleaning.

Why Cats Like Litters?

Purchasing premium cat litter from a store can indeed give cats a hygienic and secure place to hide their waste. Because it provides an easy base to dig into and explore, cats are naturally drawn to sand or soft dirt, which cat litter replicates in your home.


A dominant wild cat will often leave its waste in the open as a way to mark its territory and communicate with other cats around. But the majority of cats always hide their waste.

Top Reasons Why Litters Are Essential For Cats

  1. Assists Cats in Hidden Tracks

Before humans kept them in the security and comfort of homes, which we all know cats love, cats lived in the wild, where competitors and predators lurked. Nevertheless, while litter allows cats to conceal their traces, they still need to bury their waste on a regular basis.

  1. Litter Aids in Odor Prevention

If you've ever entered a bathroom and swiftly left because of the stench, your cat can relate. A cat will avoid a litter box that is overly piled with waste, so be sure to clean it often, especially if you have multiple cats. Cats may also reject the box if the litter smells too strongly. 

  1. The Texture is Correct

For cats, the texture of the litter is a big problem. Too large or too rough of grains in cat litter will be rejected by the cat because they don't feel good under their paws. Remember that they like to rummage through their litter before and after going potty. Therefore, the litter allows cats to enjoy a delicate texture that feels wonderful under the paws.

  1. Aids in Reducing Dust

Cats and humans with asthma should be particularly concerned about the health effects of clay litter dust. If your cat has asthma, you should stay away from using dusty cat litter. It can make the condition worse. However, it can also cause asthma, in addition to aggravating it. 

Wrapping Up

Cat lovers will become frustrated When your cat refuses to use the litter box. If your cat is still acting out after you have switched litters multiple times, consult your veterinarian. You may get your hands on the best cat litter Australia!